I received these cupcaks as a gift for finishing off my first semester of senior year from a friend of mine. He knew that I loved cupcakes, so it was a perfect way to celebrate! He bought them from La Grande Orange (more commonly known as LGO) in Phoenix, located on 4410 N 40th St. This grocery is known for their great desserts and breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals. All of the cupcakes were chocolate flavored, which were very rich! Perfect for a chocolate lover. There were two kinds of frosting: buttercream and creamcheese. Personally, I like buttercream frosting more because it is smoother and fluffier. The pink, green, and white sprinkled cupcakes were buttercream. The other two (red and white frosted cupcakes) were still very good, but had creamcheese frosting. So if you like both kinds of topping, this is the place for you! LGO also sells small cakes, including strawberry shortcake of which I tried. It was just as good! Definitely put this on the TO-DO list if you have not been here before!
These amazing tasting cupcakes were made by Rachel Schifter, a friend and teammate of mine! She has been perfecting her cupcake skills for a while none, so she brings them to school whenever she decides to make some. These ones were a birthday gift. They were vanilla bean with fluffly buttercream frosting on the top. She has mastered the art of frosting as well, and the presentation is great! The cupcakes were soft and flavorful, and the frosting added the extra sweetness that everyone loves on a cupcake!
These mini red velvet cupakes were made by my mother over the weekend. They were topped with vanilla bean frosting, and the cake itself was excellent! Definitely the reddest, red velvet cupakes I have ever bitten into. The size was perfect for a light sweet snack as well. She used a mix from Fresh and Easy, and they turned out great! The only complaint she had was that they were time consuming, and she could make the same type of cupcake from a less time-consuming mix. However, I thought they tasted great regardless!